Demtröeder Management Diagnostik

Andrea Iris Demtröder
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Lizenznehmerwechsel für das Reiss Profile© in Deutschland
Zum 01.07.2017 wird die Lizenz für die Nutzung des Reiss Profile© in Deutschland neu vergeben.
Das 2006 von Peter Boltersdorf, John J.M. Delnoy und Thomas Staller gegründete Unternehmen Reiss Profile Germany GmbH wird zum 01.07.2017 „vom Netz“ gehen. Dann übernimmt die RMP Germany GmbH die Lizenzen. Hinter diesem Unternehmen stehen vier erfahrene Reiss Profile Master aus Europa.
Details dazu siehe im unten angefügten Brief von Maggi M. Reiss, der Präsidentin des Lizenzgebers IDS, der Witwe des 2017 verstorbenen Steven Reiss.
Wie nach dem 01.07.2017 das konkrete Handling des Verfahrens Reiss Profile© sein wird, steht noch nicht fest.
Ich habe jedoch sämtliche Daten und Auswertungen der unter meinem Namen durchgeführten bisherigen Testungen des Reiss Profile© gesichert und diese stehen weiterhin und zeitlich unbefristet zur Verfügung. Und ich werde auch weiterhin mit dem Reiss Profile© arbeiten – gemeinsam mit den neuen Lizenznehmern.
Kommen Sie mit Ihren Fragen zum Reiss Profile© gern auf mich zu.


Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that IDS Publishing Corporation recently signed a licensing agreement with a new set of partners for Germany. The new company, RMP Germany GmbH, will begin operations on July 1, 2017, and its principals include four highly experienced Reiss Profile® Masters who have been partners with IDS for over a decade:

Brunello Gianella, a partner in RMP Nordic, has over 30 years of experience as a business consultant with emphasis on sales, mentoring, and coaching.

Daniele Gianella, owner of both RMP Portugal and RMP Switzerland, has more than ten years of experience as a trainer and coach, with special focus on mentoring and value-based matching.

Maximilian Koch, Ph.D., a partner in Reiss Profile® Academy Austria, holds degrees in economics and business from Vienna University and has worked as a business consultant for more than 20 years.

Irene Krotlinger, M.A., a partner in Reiss Profile® Academy Austria, earned her degree in psychology from Vienna University and has considerable experience working as a consultant to business.

Benjamin Schulz, a resident of Germany, has expertise in branding, marketing, public relations, and social media.

Brunello, Daniele, Max, Irene, and Ben are knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated, and trustworthy. In addition to expanding the use of the Reiss Motivation Profile® in the business world, they plan to introduce other applications of the RMP to sports coaches, school professionals, and relationship counselors.

RMP Germany intends to convene a Scientific Board for the purpose of fostering further research on the Reiss Motivation Profile®. Dr. Susan Havercamp, who worked with Professor Steven Reiss in the initial development of the RMP, has agreed to serve on the Scientific Board, and IDS Publishing Corporation has pledged its support for researchers.

Each principal brings a unique skill set to RMP Germany. Brunello's extensive business experience will translate into successful strategies for approaching major companies. Daniele is working to develop a sophisticated platform to meet the needs of large corporations, individual Reiss Profile® Masters, and test takers. Max will lead in the areas of strategy and finance. Irene is interested in furthering the scientific underpinnings of the Reiss Motivation Profile®. Ben will apply his knowledge of branding and marketing to increase the visibility of the RMP.

I have great confidence in these new partners, and I look forward to supporting them as they re-energize the Reiss Motivation Profile® in the important European nation of Germany.

Maggi M. Reiss, President
IDS Publishing Corporation